The Taoist exercise that gives you increased libido and bigger breasts!

In this post, massage therapist Lora from Peachy introduces the ‘female deer exercise,’ a Taoist practice believed to enhance libido, promote breast growth, relieve menstrual symptoms, and rejuvenate skin. This daily exercise combines breast massage and pelvic floor exercises to redirect blood flow, improve menstrual health, and boost sexual energy. Lora provides step-by-step instructions on how to perform the exercise for optimal benefits, emphasizing its potential effects when practiced regularly.

If I told you there was a simple exercise which can give women an increased sex drive, bigger breasts, relief from menstrual symptoms and younger looking skin, you probably wouldn’t believe me. However, for thousands of years, the ‘female deer exercise’ has been practised by Taoists to achieve just these things.

The female deer exercise is said to prevent vital life energy being lost through menstruation – the Taoists called it ‘turning back the blood’.

The exercise – which needs to be carried out daily- consists of breast massage and pelvic floor exercises and works by rushing blood to the breasts, away from the uterus. In the same way that nursing a baby can prevent menstruation, breast massage can greatly reduce the duration and flow of a woman’s period and the PMS symptoms that come with it. And by retaining the blood, sexual energy is enhanced, the breasts become engorged and skin is revitalized.

So, how to do it? Start by sitting on the floor, with the heel of one foot pressed against the opening of the vagina, exerting a gentle pressure on the clitoris.

Rub your hands together vigorously and place them on your breasts, letting the heat seep into the skin.

massage your breast

Lay your hands in the centre of your chest and rub your breasts slowly in a downward and outward motion, circling around the nipples. Do this a minimum of 100 times, while focusing on the pleasurable feelings.

For the pelvic exercises, form your hands into fists and rest them in your lap. Contract the muscles of your vagina and anus, while taking slow, deep breaths. Try to draw the rectum upward inside the body and hold tight for as long as you can comfortably.

Relax and repeat, until you feel the tingle of sexual energy travel through the glandular system, from the base of the anus, through the spine to the pineal gland at the top of the head.

For full benefits, the Female deer exercise should be carried out in the morning upon arising and at night before retiring. Effects can be felt in as little as two weeks. Try it for yourself.