Welcome to Top Sensuous Massage Sydney, we offer a special kind of tantric massage: Lingam massage. It is a part of the tantric massage and what makes the it such a wonderful experience is the fact that there are no barred zones and your full body is touched and massaged, which brings you to the state of excitement, and helps you channel and release your sexual energy. The Lingam refers to the male’s sexual organ and the Lingam massage is an essential part of a Tantric session. this most intimate massage is an experience, which is impossible to describe, but is guaranteed to help you relieve stress and tension.

Sydney Lingam massage sessions start with full body massage, which helps you open up your senses and relax, and then continue by concentrating on the one area that could help you channel and release your built-up sexual tension. If you are seeking the one and only Lingam massage in Sydney, then you should let one of our beautiful and young Goddesses introduce you to this ancient practice and bring you to the state of bliss. While a traditional massage session might help you relax, it could also drain your energy, but rest assured that after a session with a skilled Tantric masseuse, you will feel energetic and recharged like never before!

The Lingam massage

What is Lingam Massage

A lingam massage is a specific type of tantric massage that concentrates on the male sexual organ is the penis. Lingam is the Sanskrit word for “wand of light” which translates to the penis in the western world.

During a lingam massage, the whole of the body is massaged with oils in accordance with different touches and strokes. This helps to alter awareness and infuse the body and mind with relaxation. The lingam massage is the culmination of the massage, which may bring a man to achieve orgasm. The aim of the lingam massage is to promote a kind of homage or reverence to the wand of light.

The wand of light is a life-giver and the respect and reverence in a lingam massage is designed to bring awareness to that. Once the tantric massage has moved towards the lingam massage, you may find yourself in a spiritual ecstasy as your emotions and senses are raised.

Goal of Lingam Massage

Is lingam massage aim for a happy ending? Yes, and No. Tantric massage aims to release the sexual energy up through the spine towards the spiritual senses in the brain. The kundalini energy is sometimes referred to as a snake force. In fact it may be depicted as a snake. It is usually to be found at the base of the spine in the base chakra (the Muladhara chakra). Once awakened through spiritual practice, such as tantric massage, yoga or meditation, it will start to rise and will follow a path up the back through the chakras  , reaching the spiritual centre in the head. This rising of energy is what can lead to spiritual expansion and awakening. It has long been recognized that these esoteric practices release this sexual energy. Once the energy rises to the head, a feeling of bliss may ensue. Many Eastern yogis and gurus regularly raise the kundalini force to merge with their respected spiritual Gods.

Some religions dictate that certain condition should be followed and met before any attempt to raise the kundalini is performed. Some say that a person should adhere to a strict vegetarian diet. Some say that incense should be burnt. A bath or a shower should always be undertaken too. Whether you choose to follow any prescribed belief system or not, allowing yourself to experience a tantric massage, and a lingam massage, will help to expand your spiritual awareness. If you have any preferences or any beliefs around this that you may need your masseuse to follow, then you should discuss that with her prior to the massage. Of course, we are only referring to respectful courses of action.

Kind of tantric massage

Part of tantric massage in Sydney

Your Session

During your lingam massage session with our Sydney massage goddess, you may experience many sensations; some bodily, some emotional. There is nothing to worry about, as your masseuse will have seen the whole range throughout her experience. Here is a very brief example of some things you may experience:

  • Tingling in the legs and arms, or in fact all over your body
  • Rush of energy, sometimes very intense
  • Emotional outpourings (you will feel joy and happy!)
  • Feelings of love and bliss and an expansion of awareness
  • deep spiritual and physical satisfaction

You may feel all of the above and more. Every massage that you have may produce a different experience. In fact it may be very different to the last, in terms of emotions or bodily function, so your lingam massage can be an ever-changing experience where your awareness and connection to the universe grows. This feeling of bliss is not something that can be adequately described, but it is a feeling that can last for some considerable time and one that you will want to repeat. Once you have experienced a lingam massage, it is almost a given that you will want to repeat the experience again. You may also choose a different masseuse to undertake your lingam massage and this will allow you to experience a difference in your energy merging that you will love to compare and contrast.

Get A Lingam Massage Sydney Today

Lingam massage will help to expand your spiritual awareness.

Get a session with Top Sensuous’s Goddess at Sydney, a session with a skilled Tantric masseuse, you will feel energetic and recharged like never before!

Lingam massage session is available for male only, 24hours in Sydney CBD area.

Advance booking highly recommended!